The holiday season can be a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also bring considerable stress and anxiety for families. As a parent, I understand the challenges that come with raising children, from academic struggles to behavioral issues. These challenges can feel even more pronounced during the holidays, leading parents and guardians to experience weight gain, physical illness, and difficulty coping with the season. Additionally, past emotions may resurface during this time.
Our difficulties can impact those around us, as our mood and behavior often set the tone for our loved ones. It’s essential to consider who we spend time with, how we think and speak about our lives, and what steps we need to take to ensure our mental and physical well-being during the holidays.
The holiday season inevitably brings a mix of emotions. Adding family dynamics into the equation can amplify stress, as family members can be our biggest emotional triggers. With this awareness, I want to share some strategies to help you cope with any emotions that may arise. This will ensure that those around you, especially children, don’t struggle to understand why the holidays, which society celebrates as the “happiest time of year,” can feel so stressful for their parents. It’s time to break the cycle of holiday stress. Are you ready?
Tips to Support Your Holiday Season
1. Let Go of the Need for Perfection: Understand that things are going to go wrong. Food may get burnt, a family member might complain, or someone may not show up. Instead of trying to control everything, consider choosing to let it go and laugh at the chaos. Can you free yourself from this need for control?
2. Don’t Stress About Weight: With all the holiday goodies, it’s common to worry about weight gain. However, stressing about it adds unnecessary pressure. Follow these five daily routines to ensure a lighter holiday season:
– Drink a big glass of water and eat an apple before heading to any holiday dinner or event.
– Get 20 minutes of intentional movement each day—make sure to break a sweat!
– Spend 10-15 minutes outside each day, standing barefoot in the grass while expressing gratitude out loud for everything in your life.
– Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep, maintaining a consistent sleep and wake cycle as much as possible.
– Take our WHOLE YOU liquid supplement daily to protect your cells and curb cravings.
3. Avoid Things That Steal Your Joy:
– Skip events that cause you more stress than enjoyment.
– Avoid making purchases you can’t afford.
– Say no to anything that doesn’t align with your values or well-being.
4. Create Time for Joy:
– Spend quality time playing with kids or grandkids.
– Enjoy the outdoors—hike, take walks, or explore.
– Read a book or go to the beach.
– Reconnect with an old friend.
– Follow your heart and do what brings you happiness.
5. Let go of comparison and limit social media time. The holiday season can look like whatever you desire. You can set your own routines and traditions. Let go of the comparison mindset. No one has perfect holidays.
6. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake! The power of alcohol and caffeine on the mind and body can add additional stress to the holiday season and impact your mood. Shoot for more water, kombucha, and/or tea this holiday season.
7. Prioritize self-care! Take time for meditation, exercise, meal prepping, massages, and other self-care practices that help keep you grounded and healthy. This is not the time of year to skimp.
Remember, we have the power to choose our lives, thoughts, and how we experience the holiday season. Focus on what you truly want, and create traditions that bring you joy. This holiday season, let’s embrace our mindset and take control of our well-being. @Dr.Anna.Marie
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